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Feeds & Treatments


Why we treat lawns

  • Treatment is an important part of any lawn care process

  • Applied at the right times and in the right order can ensure a healthy and durable lawn

  • Treatments are available in both liquid or granular forms, depending on conditions 

  • Applied by using either our ‘ghostbusters style’ knapsacks or through our range of fertiliser spreaders

What are some of the treatments?


Moss and weeds treatments - Applied early and late in the seasons can encourage positive growth and plenty of room for new grass to be produced 


Seasonal feeds - as part of our lawn care programmes we will ensure that your lawns are fed and treated throughout the year leaving you to simply mow it (if you prefer) water it and enjoy it


Overseeding and top dressings - sometimes we all need a bit of extra help and lawns are no different. Overseeding, with the appropriate mix to suit your lawns needs and applying a top dressing will encourage new germination and a thick lush lawn


We will guide you through your lawn care journey from first visit and throughout the seasons, tending to your lawn needs.


We will care for your lawn like it's our own.

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The benefits of regular mowing

Mowing regularly is important to the condition of any lawn. If lawns are cut on a weekly basis, and at the right length, the short cuttings can be reused as part of the organic matter that can improve your soil and assist fertiliser with an extra boost.


However, if the cuttings are too long then this will have the reverse effect and smother/shade the soil causing lawn damage.

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